The Lorenz Family

The Lorenz Family

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Harper's Newborn Photo Shoot!!

Harper had her first photo shoot with Erin Kaye Wells today... she did so good, and the pictures are soooooo cute! You can view a few of them using the following link:

Thanks Erin... you are truly talented! :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011


At 5:30am on Sunday the 13th of March .... MY WATER BROKE! After some last minute frantic cleaning, we headed up to BDH. Our amazing nurse (Beckie) ran the test and sure enough... my water had broke, we were being admitted, and Harper Grace was on her way.

After walking the halls, and a quick jacuzzi bath, we were in active labor by 10:30am. Since my water had broke my contractions were pretty dang intense... and since I was not dilated and fully closed when I came in... I knew it was going to be a long- but EXCITING day.

I have to say THANK YOU... SOOOOOO MUCH to my AMAZING husband Mike who was there for me and did his best to coach and comfort me throughout the entire laboring process. Knowing Mike- I knew he would be the best partner and would be great when I was in labor- but he was A MILLION times more than I could have ever imagined. He held my hand, breathed through every contraction with me, said encouraging and loving words, and held one of my legs back while I delivered our daughter. Thank you husband- WE LOVE YOU!!!! <3

Harper Grace Lorenz was born on March 14th at 12:48am. She weighed 7lbs 4ozs, and was 19.5 inches long. She has beautiful brown hair... sweet chubby cheeks... and the cutest tongue- just like her dad.

Mike and I feel truly lucky to have had the most amazing experience at BDH... and are TRULY blessed to have such a beautiful daughter. SOOOOOO MUCH LOVE IN THE LORENZ HOUSE!! <3>

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Harper Grace's Room...

Harper Grace's room... isn't it cute?!??! :)

Harper's Baby Shower!!

In February, my sister Courtney and her daughter Kenzie hosted a BEAUTIFUL baby shower for us at my mom's house in Three Forks. It was AMAZING!! Thank you everyone! Harper Grace is one lucky girl!!!