The Lorenz Family

The Lorenz Family

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

#bestfriends #belatedstakerbridalshower #welovethe90's #thegirls

#painting #zzzzzzzz

Hungry Hippos!!


I will never forget the first time my father introduced me to one of his Beatles records. I was in 7th grade, the song was Revolution, and I became a fan for life. I loved hanging out with my family watching the salute to The Beatles....especially watching Harp dance to the same songs I used to listen to everyday after school.

Snow day!!

Homemade pizza night! Nom nom nom!


Party on Ty.... Party on Harp...

Pretty princess!

Bathing beauty series...

Tis the season for croup and ear infections... yuck! Thank goodness Doc McStuffins has improved Harper's perspective on checkups!!

#1stSnowman #Twins

Harper loves to bake cakes for her Pops... and Pops loves to eat them!


Harper shoved a piece of mac and cheese all of the way up her nose. Thank goodness Jess O. saved the day with Clare's booger sucker!

Such a big girl!


Saturday mornings with my best gal!

Celebrating 2014 at the Sac!

Watching the Cowboys play with Aunt Sherri!